2015年3月8日 星期日

Child sexualisation in the media:

Today, I reviewed how the media can in some cases cause damage to our cultural and social values by unhealthy aspects. I deiced to pick the topic of child sexualisation in media as my main political issue.


I had read a old new about a girl whose mother had bought her liposuction and boob job vouchers for her birthday, but the problems was the little girl was 7 years old.

I feel it is very disturbing and upset about it. The mother was setting up her childhood with the wrong beliefs and attitudes ,espically as in the artic she said that” it is good kids worry about their looks.” This made me feel angry and disappoint with her mother. If I was the girls’s mother, I would have tried to keep her at a distance from world of plastic surgery and allowed her to live a normal 7 years old life in which she goes to the park, plays with dolls, like to draw, not introducing her body issues and make up.


Vogue showed 10 years old French girl Thylane Blodeau who is wearing heavy make up and also wearing clothes which are clearly not aimed at her age. She is looking at the camera in a very  seductive manner, this is disgraceful for a girl of 10 years old to be subjected to this kind of behavior.  


I think to stop child sexualisation is for there to be law stating that children under 16 are not allowed to be shown in sexualized such as beauty pageants and photo shoots. Parents should be more aware of how they are showing their child when dressing them.


