2015年3月8日 星期日



At the beginning of the century, Rococo style actually was transform by the Spanish women’s wear called “VERDUGADRococo style actually was transform by the Spanish women’s wear called “VERDUGADO”.

'Portrait of Madame de Pompadour' 1756 by François Boucher by Plum leaves (in), via Flickr

'Portrait of Madame de Pompadour' 1756

Rococo is probably derived from “caille”, int his style, the funnel-shaped “painers” of the Regency developed into dome- shaped hooped petticoat. The women’s costume has a square neckline and “jupe” and open gown. The sleeves were narrow and reached to the elbows and it has lace flounces.

 Marie Antoinette

Women were still tightly laced into a corset. Their clothes were decorated with silk ribbon and especially of the fake flowers produced in Italy which made women look like gardens. Large bows on the sleeves matched the echelle on the breast. Lace ruffle was worn around the neck and silk shoes or high-heeled slipper on the feet.  Since lace was the most expensive, but the lace was one of the most popular items in women’s wardrobes during the late 17-18th century.

There’s no coat in that period for ladies, but the ladies wear fur-lined capes, quilted padded skirts during the cold winter months.


Outside official events, French women wore dresses which inspire by English fashion, which they worn extremely wide petticoat.

