2015年3月8日 星期日

Judge people the way they look, religious, their colour, their views, Why women judged by their looks before their intelligence?

It's because most people are really insecure about themselves. So they figure if they can judge you then they can feel better about themselves. I was always taught treat others how you would want to be treated yourself And I live by that. I also say I am never going to see you again in life so I do not care what you have to say. And if you can not say something nice DON'T say it at all.


We can only change what's on the inside of our skin, and I believe some people judge others because they are only insecure about themselves. They try to find the negative in others to make themselves feel better. They are the ones' that need to work on themselves, and learn how to spread more positive energy.

I think that it is not superfici to judge someone by the way yjey dress or they look, because the way someone dresses can say a lot about a person. As well as their taste and personality.

And we don’t need anyone’s affection or approval in order to be good enough. When someone rejects or abandons or judges you, it’s not actually about you. It about them and their own in security and needs and you don’t have to internalize that.

The way in which you dress is a choice, defined you as a person. Much as my diet, decision to exercise, job I choose, music I listen to. All speak to who I am.


