2015年3月8日 星期日

The sexualization od young girls

The sexualization of young girls:


The sexualization of girls is happening earlier because of marketers for children, reality shows and expositions of “true beauty” through child beauty contests. Shows like Toddlers and Tiaras are just one way self image for girls is influenced.


The sexualization of girls is happening ate younger and younger age as children, even toddlers are bombarded with a plethora of adult influences and perceptions.


80% of 10 year old girls in the US report they have been on a diet, The study also reported the NO.1 wish for girls from the ages 11-17 is to be thinner. They being raised to think this is healthy. The entire media culture should not be who id raising these children.


The researchers did a study about the self- sexualization:

There are 68% of young girls who would like to be sexy because they think they would be more popular if they dress sexy.





